Out of the Ashes
A story about a community's three year battle with bureaucracy to prevent the next bushfire.
A half hour documentary on how the communities of Mt Tomah, Berambing, Bilpin and Kurrajong Heights have recovered from the RFS Mt Wilson backburn on 15 -21 December 2019. The film has been released in acknowledgement of the upcoming 3rd anniversary of this disaster.
The documentary takes you on a journey through the lives of Blue Mountains and Hawkesbury residents whose homes were burnt down, and businesses destroyed by the fire as they struggle to make sense of what happened, rebuild and advocate for change to make sure it doesn't happen again.
The video was funded with a small grant from Wentworth Healthcare, provider of the Nepean Blue Mountains Primary Health Network to the Kurrajong Heights Bowling Club. A preview was held to an overflowing Bilpin Hall on 2 December where residents gathered and cried, laughed and clapped and danced the night away in celebration of their recovery efforts.