Media Resources
Press Releases:
Links to various documents related to the Mt Wilson Backburn, Fire Management, Inquiries etc
NSW Bushfire Inquiry 2020 Recommendation 47 (c) and (d) (pages 297-298)
NSW Rural Fire Service OP 1.2.20 Operational Protocol for Backburning 2021
Resilience NSW April-June 2021 Progress Report (page 38)
Independant Bushfire GroupFire Study into the Mt Wilson Backburn
Mt Wilson Backburn in the media
SMH: Firefighters lose control of 'mega-blaze' backburn, homes destroyed
The Australian: RFS backburning fanned megafire which claimed homes; smog to blanket Sydney
ABC News: Mega-fire destroys homes north-west of Sydney after backburn gets out of control
ABC: Australia heading into new 'fire age', warns global fire historian
ABC RN Breakfast: Australia could be entering a new age of fire, expert says
SMH: The hidden bushfire: inside the Blue Mountains backburn
SMH: ‘Horrible mistake’: residents thought cataclysmic fire was days away
Blue Mountains Gazette: Little communities not warned of approaching fire

source: Jochen Spencer